Disinfectants...for total surface protection

Helping you prevent transmission of COVID-19, salmonella, flu, Ebola, E. coli, common cold, and more by ensuring your workers can’t touch live virus on hard surfaces.

MicroSURE All-Purpose Cleaner and Disinfectant is a one-step, ready-to-use (RTU) disinfectant cleaner and odor neutralizer designed for general cleaning and disinfecting of hard, porous, inanimate surfaces: from floors to walls to ceilings to desks to counters. It uses nano-technology instead of harsh chemicals to kill 99.99% of all germs, bacteria, fungi, and viruses, and possibly including COVID-19. This unique cleaner is effective not only at the time of application, but continues killing harmful pathogens weeks–and even months—longer than typical disinfectants.

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